
New Album

Ready to Fly!

Dear friends,
A long-awaited project has come true: I am very happy to present you the world premiere of the piano pieces by Ivan Bogoyavlensky, a universal talent from my hometown Saint-Petersburg.

Ready to fly!

Nadja Naumova plays piano
pieces by Ivan Bogoyavlensky

Ivan Bogoyavlensky: Piccolo Orsetto/ Nadja Naumova

Alexander Skrjabin: Sonate op.30 Nr.4

J.S.Bach/ Inventions in the keys of B-A-C-H

Ivan Bogoyavlensky: Ataya Иван Богоявленский: Атайя/Nadja Naumova

Nikolai Kapustin - Concert Etude No.1: Prelude

Franz Liszt - Liebestraum